Admonish that Antipope

So it seems that certain Catholics have taken to the Interstate, and then the keyboard, to glorify an American antipope.  Intoning as it were, with a nod and a wink, of course, we all know he isn’t the Pope. But his life and habits and videos are so edifying. So Catholic. Baloney Sandwich (BS) is … More Admonish that Antipope


So a nick in my left forearm turned out to be a superbug, leading to hospital stay via the ER and IV antibiotics. Back home now with this weird mainline setup called a pick line where the IV meds are self-administered.  Being neither of the following, the injection activity causes one to feel like a … More Trad-Fragging

1st Commandment Alert

We either worship God, or we do not: no exceptions on case by case bases. Don’t be gulled into compromising on obedience to the First Commandment on this particular point! What is liberty worship? Liberty worship is the elevation of man’s capricious and often sinful desires to the level of a false god. Why is … More 1st Commandment Alert

Margin Call

The death throes of the masonic empire produce an empress apparent who is perfectly possessed. While the conscience cannot but be shocked, the intellect is calmly unsurprised. This cannot end well for those who have their treasure in this world. When the Church retreats, and retreat she has, the Synagogue of Satan fills the void. … More Margin Call