“Nostra Aetate Rests on Nothing”

The contumacy of the criminals was more even more obvious than their guilt in committing the crime.  So far beyond any reasonable doubt stood the responsibility of the Jews, led by their gangster-like mafia of Pharisees, for the death of Our Lord Jesus, that no honest person can dispute it.  Now the reality is that … More “Nostra Aetate Rests on Nothing”

1955: Never Forget

The two-and-a-half year old was sitting in front of his home on that Maundy-Thursday of Holy Week, the twenty-first of March. Tobias approached him, speaking kindly, and then absconded with the toddler. After sunset, the twin brothers Saligman and Samuel met up with Tobias. Then these three, along with four others, undressed the boy and … More 1955: Never Forget