Infallible Hermeneutic

Israeli exterminationists carry out their scheduled mission of eliminating the threat posed by the existence of gentiles in Gaza. Palestinian Muslims make their voices heard, but Catholics in Palestine need not apply.

Abortion is a Jewish operation: but pro-lifers must combat anti-semitism. Which side is a Catholic to take?

From Bolshevism to BLM, and from Mao to Li Qiang; communism is the materialist, Jewish religion of rejecting Christ, imposed on goys. To oppose it, however, the self-respecting public figure must first pay homage to phony Israel. So why does Tel-Aviv take priority over a Tennessee man’s asserting his right to own his property, and pass it whole, entire and tax-free, to his sons? Who’s on what side here anyway?

To comprehend the operative principle

in modern conflict, be it real and factual, fake news or a hybrid thereof, a Catholic does well to accurately identify the two – and only two- sides that are permitted prominence in the public arena: zionist anti-communism and communist anti-zionism.  Now zionism is the religion of the rejection of Christ for Jews who reject the satanic Babylonian Talmud. These Jews apotheosize the state of Israel. Whereas communism is rejection of Christ imposed upon the goys, zionism is self-deifying supremacism for Jews. As predictable as placing a bet with bookmaking Las Vegas Jews on the rigged Superbowl, or investing your Warburg Federal Reserve Notes with the stock-jobbers at Goldman-Sachs: no matter which side you take, Jews win and goys lose.

Gazing through this bifurcated prism, the Catholic will accurately identify any politician, partisan, or participant among key conflicts in the public square. Not a single one, not any prominent personage will escape categorization as one of the two.

Regardless, it is likely pro-communist.


Saracens combatting extermination by Israeli Jews are co-opted into communist-anti-zionism, whether they like it or not.

The leading pro-life voice who toadies for the cause of fighting anti-semitism is zionist-anti-communist.

By contrast, and by necessity, the snarling maw of the infanticide for cash movement, subverts culture in accord with the identity of the communist-anti-zionist.

Conservative American political prostitutes (as if it weren’t obvious enough) are zionist-anti-communists.

Left-wing American political prostitutes, on the other hand, are communist-anti-zionists.

Of course, the two camps can also be found among Catholics. Witness a public prayer gathering that features the Patriotic Rosary. The covert operators of Jewish-masonic intelligence agencies  have successfully established in Catholic minds a false equivalence between eighteenth century York Rite Freemasons and the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Unwitting Catholics thus become zionist-anti-communists waiting in the wings to cheer on more wars for Israel, to result in still more dead American sons, and ending even more lives of Catholics in the middle east.

Conversely, pro death-vaxx leftists such as Mark Shea, Dawn Goldstein, and the political positions supported by many in the USCCB put these characters sqaurely in the camp of communist-anti-zionists.

Another example, with a new twist, induces the orphaned trad and authentically patriotic American right to follow a communist. Just such a subterfuge may be happening at the Jew-run honeypot known as Unz Review, through the writing of an opinion-shaper known as the Saker. The Saker tickles all the antennae of the authentic American patriot-in-exile, who, starved to read someone to actually write frankly about America’s zionist-occupied government,


long ago checked out of participating in U.S. zio-conservatism’s Israel first-last-and-always editorial stances. What these intelligent and good-hearted Americans are missing, however, is a sense of good old-fashioned Russian craftiness, which culminated in the Soviet methodology of disinformation, told to us by the late Anatoliy Golitsyn, author of New Lies for Old, and the Perestroika Deception. When the Saker justifiably bashes the American Empire’s misadventures, his American followers are missing the plot, that this pseudonymous, bombastic Russian leads them down the primrose path not to authentic America first, but rather unto America is the pits. The long game from that point is to induce the belief in Americans that America has always been the pits. From there, the solution will be found in the supposed moral solidity of Russia. The endgame will be to subsume America-firsters into Russia-firsters and then unveil a morally upright and trad version of communism to which the American targets will not object. In this example, the communist-anti-zionist seeks to positively increase communist gains, rather than merely check zionist-anti-communism.

So Which Side Wins?

There will be no winners among the gullible goyim. As in street combat between two opponents who each wields a knife, the possibility that both will die is rather high. The way this scam operates is that the operatives on each side ensure that their own team never makes any meaningful gains against the other. So the zionist-anti-communist ensures that not only is itself the only option for organized opposition to communism, but that communism’s destructive advances are neither halted nor reversed. Consider Jewish communism’s political and cultural subversions in the U.S. of recent memory: Obamacare as a tax, sodomite-pseudo-marriage, genital mutilation for the mentally ill, and drag queen story hour.  Conservatism’s response? “Democrats are Nazis” The goal of the zionist-anti-communist is to ensure that no authentic resistance to communist cultural subversion ever materializes.

Of course, in American politics, the right are also Nazis.

Now for the Leftist’s part, once the desired targets have been destroyed, the communist-anti-zionist agents make sure that no authentic or conscientious leftist is able to take things off-script. So, the Palestinian remains forever unheard when he asks the question, “why is our spokesperson the Leftist Jew Norman Finkelstein? Why not let us tell the world about Israel’s exterminationism?” In the West, any leftist talks to the wall when he asks, “does all this toxic, artificial chemical haze in the sky change the climate?”

About that mutually murdered knife fighter’s analogy,

the alleged conflict in the Ukraine serves as its quintessence. Gateway tapped out when we saw alleged news coverage featuring video games replayed under a filter as representing IRL war; buildings hit by missiles that two weeks later were somehow restored to perfection for public rallies; go-pro fox-hole action featuring headshots from less than six feet, with rifles chambered in 7.62 x 39, and not a drop of blood; news footage literally filming a video playing on a screen (perhaps to conceal embarrassing staging gaffes). If Jewish Hollywood was able to produce a movie on a fake war, as they did with Wag the Dog, and the global banksters produce a fake pandemic resulting in no less than 75% of the west taking the death vaxx; then, to be certain, a fake war to divert public  attention from their failing pandemic narrative was all-too-convenient.

Nevertheless, whether Gateway has this wrong or right, the war fits the binary psy-op scam of zionist-anti-communist vs. communist-anti-zionist, with no clear winner – only losers. Ukraine, led by some Jewish sodomite, is the pawn of the zionist-anti-communist U.S. Department of State, firmly in the hands of American Zionist Jews. Russia, a nation ruled behind the scenes by communist Jew Lazar Kaganovich until his death in 1991 (which just so happened to coincide with Communism’s alleged death), never prosecuted or punished a single one of its murderous despots who oversaw 60 million acts of premeditated homicide. Russia is led by KGB creature Vlad Putin (who for the past thirty years oddly seems to have remained a healthy looking man of middle age), who has very close ties to Berel Lazar, chief rebbe of the Chabad Lubavitch sect. Of course, Jewish Russian oligarchs like Roman Abramovich seem to be faring well in this allegedly post-communist state. To be certain, neither of the following will ever result from this alleged war: cessation of cultural subversion and demographic replacement in Western Europe – a.k.a. zionists ensuring resistance to communism is ineffective; or the pacification of aggression by the Israeli-controlled United States – communists ensuring that resistance to zionism is never effective.

Intended Results: Zionism for Jews, Communism for Goys

No matter who can be catalogued on either side, no one with a noteworthy following (outliers will be bought off or cancelled) will ever look into their pod-casting cams and say to their followers, “guys, it’s the Jews running the banks, the global swindler’s economy, all our countries, and controlling public conversation, up to and including a death-vaxx operation that has a long-term kill-rate of potentially 90%. People in general have a right to defend themselves against this.”

Witness this ultimate Jewish dialectical scam of mutually controlled opposition.



This post is dedicated to @jackiemopsy, without whose explanation Gateway would never have had the slightest idea about this infallible hermenuetic.

2 thoughts on “Infallible Hermeneutic

  1. There are two types of Communism—Christian Communism in the Book of Acts–which led to the Christian Communism of Monasticism and then there is Jewish Communism which is the full platform of Jewish Messianism. The Jews are natural Gnostics. I refer you to Prof. Eric Voegelin who researched ancient gnosticism and then came to a startling realization that gnosticism has re-emerged and is Modernism. All of Modernity is Gnostic. Voegelin points out that liberals are a form of gnostics.

    Thomas F. Bertonneau did a four part series back in the 90s about Voegelin. His first part:

    Gnosticism from a Non-Voegelinian Perspective, Part I


    1. No. All communism arises from the gnosis of the primordial serpent, as does zionism, as does Judaism. To attempt to subsume the Holy Faith into communism by imputing to Acts the tinct of Christ-hating, Jewish, totalitarianist, communist slavery stinks of the vomit of a most outrageous lie.

      We are not fooled.

      Thank you for affirming the solidity of the Infallible Hermeneutic.

      Gateway is over the target.


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